Inclusivity is one of the most important values in today’s world. It means that everyone, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, is welcomed and accepted. Many people have embraced this value in recent years, and great strides have been made toward inclusion. But we still have a long way to go.
There are still many places where people are not welcome simply because they are different. And there are still many people who face discrimination and exclusion every day. We need to do better. We need to be more inclusive. We need to make sure that everyone feels valued and respected. We need to make sure that everyone knows that they belong here.
In this article, we’ll be talking about pansexuality and the history of Pansexual Pride Day. We’ll talk about what it means to be pansexual, why there is a need for Pansexual Pride Day, and how you can show your support.
What Is Pansexuality?
Pansexuality is the sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction to people regardless of their sex or gender identity. Pansexual people can be attracted to people of any gender or sex, including cisgender, transgender, agender, genderfluid, bigender, androgynous and intersex people. Hence the prefix pan-, meaning “all.”
Pansexuality is often seen as a more inclusive and progressive form of sexuality than bisexuality, as it does not place limitations on who a person can be attracted to. Many pansexual people see their sexuality as fluid and ever-changing, and some use the term "queer" to describe their attractions.
National Pansexual Pride Day is on December 8th and celebrates strides taken by the pansexual and panromantic community to be accepted and understood. In addition, pride events are a great opportunity to meet other pansexual people and learn more about this unique form of sexuality.
The History Of Pansexuality And Pansexual Pride Day
Pansexuality is a sexual orientation characterised by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire for people regardless of gender identity or biological sex. Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, omnisexual, polysexual, queer, third-gender, bi-, or pansexual.
The history of pansexuality is difficult to trace, as the term itself is relatively new. However, the concept of being attracted to people regardless of gender has been around for centuries. In the early 1900s, Sigmund Freud posited that people are naturally bisexual. This theory was later expanded upon by Magnus Hirschfeld, who believed that people could be attracted to both sexes.
The term pansexual first appeared as ‘pansexualism’ in 1914 and was theorised as sex being “the motivator of all things.” The term gained popularity in the 70s when The New York Times published an article mentioning the term. In more recent years, pansexuality has become more visible with the rise of social media and the LGBTQIA+ rights movement.
How Pansexuality Is Different From Other Sexualities
Pansexuality can often be confused with bisexuality. However, there is a key difference between the two orientations. Bisexuality is being attracted to both men and women. Pansexuality is being attracted to all genders and sexes. This includes people who identify as transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer.
According to, some common misconceptions of pansexuality include
- Some use bisexual and pansexual interchangeably (this is ultimately a personal decision, but it’s important to understand the difference)
- One of the biggest misconceptions is that pansexuality is transphobic
- Pansexuals are greedy
- Pansexual people are confused
- Pansexuality is just a new fad
Like all misconceptions, these can be dangerous for those who identify as pansexual. So, understanding them and overcoming any biases is essential to representing our diversity and human beings.
The term “pansexual” was first coined in the early 1900s. However, the concept of pansexuality has been around for much longer. In fact, many ancient cultures recognised that people could be attracted to more than one gender. The term “pansexual” has been gaining popularity recently as more people begin to identify as pansexual.
Several pride flag colours represent pansexuality, including the three horizontal stripes: pink, yellow, and blue. The pink represents attraction to women, the yellow represents attraction to non-binary people, and the blue represents attraction to men.
How To Celebrate Pansexual Pride Day
For many, Pansexual Pride Day is a time to reflect on their personal journey and celebrate who they are. It’s a time to be proud of who you are and to show the world that you’re comfortable in your own skin.
There is no wrong way to celebrate. Whether you want to celebrate by flying the flag high, sharing your story with others, participating in the community, or just keeping it low-key and honouring pansexuality in your own way.
However, here are a few ideas if you would like to celebrate:
Share Your Story
One of the best ways to celebrate anything, especially lesser-known topics to share your story with others. This can be done in person or online. If you’re not ready to share your story publicly, consider talking to a close friend or family member about your experiences.
Get Involved In The Community
There are likely pansexual-friendly groups and organisations in your area. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people, learn more about pansexuality, and make a difference in the world.
Educate Yourself And Others
Pride is about more than just celebrating who you are – it’s also about educating yourself and others about the struggles and challenges that members of the LGBTQIA+ community face every day. Spend some time reading about pansexuality or watching videos about coming out. Then, take what you’ve learned and start conversing with others about these important topics.
The Importance Of Sexual Health For Pansexuals
When it comes to sexual health, pansexuals face similar challenges as any sexually active person. However, like many in the LGBTQIA+ community, they may not feel comfortable talking about their sexuality with healthcare providers or may not know who to turn to for support.
Fortunately, online resources are available to learn more about those risks and take steps toward managing your own sexual health (even anonymously).
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Test your sexual health from home with our range of at-home STI tests.
Shop NowThe most important aspects of understanding your sexual health include:
- Understanding who you have sex with and the type of sex you have
- Your own anatomy and the anatomy of your partners
- Which barrier methods you use
- Whether you use barrier methods correctly
- Knowing warning signs and risks of STIs
- How to get tested
Overall, pansexuality is a beautiful thing that should be celebrated and honoured. So, on Pansexual Pride Day, let’s come together to celebrate the people who identify as pansexual and strive to create a more inclusive and accepting society.